In the age of gods and heroes, there lived a priestess named Medusa, whose beauty rivalled that of the goddesses themselves. Her hair flowed like golden rivers, and her eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.  But beneath her enchanting facade lurked a heart consumed by vanity and pride.

The goddess Athena took offence at Medusa's arrogance and decided to punish her for her hubris. With a wave of her mighty hand, Athena transformed Medusa's lustrous locks into a writhing mass of venomous snakes and cursed her, turning her into a hideous creature whose gaze could turn anyone who looked at her into stone 🩶

Banished from her home, Medusa fled to a desolate island, where she lived in solitude, her once-proud spirit now broken and humbled by the weight of her curse.  Yet, despite her plight, tales of her monstrous form spread far and wide, striking fear into the hearts of all who heard them.

Many brave warriors sought to claim Medusa's head as a trophy, believing it to possess magical powers. But none dared to face her fearsome gaze, until the day a hero named Perseus stepped forward to take on the challenge. 🩶

With the aid of the gods Hermes and Athena, Perseus embarked on a perilous quest to slay the monstrous Medusa and claim her head.
Armed with a mirrored shield to avoid her deadly stare, he ventured into her lair, where he found her sleeping amidst a nest of serpents.

Summoning all his courage, Perseus struck swiftly, beheading Medusa with a single stroke of his sword. Triumphant, he claimed Medusa's head and returned it to King Polydectes as a gift. 🩶

Yet, even in death, Medusa's legacy lived on, her severed head becoming a powerful weapon in the hands of heroes and a symbol of the dangers of unchecked pride and vanity.


We have recorded audio version of this story that you can find in our Youtube channel @sakaliEU. We kindly invite you to listen to it while having a lovely cup of tea.

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